January 10, 2021 9 min read
If you haven't read Part 1 you can do so HERE.
I have always been spiritual. Even though as a child it was more of an obligation by my upbringing than an authentic free will connection—My love for God had always resided deep within.
As my love for God became stronger along the years, I struggled to connect with a particular religion that felt like it resonated with my soul.
As long as I was allowing others to tell me what my spiritual connection was supposed to look like, it never felt authentic. That’s when I felt strongly to go within. To connect directly with God without any interference. And that’s when everything shifted.
As you may have read in my previous post, I have always intuitively picked up on things. What some would call clairvoyant or extra sensitive, I would experience. Except I didn’t want to accept it or recognize it because the religion I was brought up in, made me feel as though it was something bad and shouldn’t connect with.
For a very long time I ignored it. Chalked up a lot of experience’s as strange coincidences. Except it truly wasn’t.
As my connection with God grew deeper, the more sensitive I got. I could feel everything. I could see things and there just wasn’t any logical explanation. But my faith in God was unwavering, so I leaned in.
It was around my 30th birthday where I felt as though my life was crashing. Everything that once seemed stable was on the brinks of crumbling. At the same time, my sensitivity to energy started to really kick in.
I remember a friend seeing a Reiki Energy Practitioner, and I was intrigued enough to book a session. I didn’t know what to expect but felt like something was happening within my body that just didn’t make any kinds of sense. And that’s when I first learned about energy, healing and started to dive in.
Reiki is a Japanese form of alternative medicine called energy healing. Reiki practitioners use a gentle, non-intrusive technique called palm healing or hands-on healing through which a “universal energy” becomes the conduit through the palms of the practitioner to the patient in order to encourage emotional, physical healing and overall well-being. It is a holistic system for balancing, healing and harmonizing all aspects of the person--body, mind, emotions and spirit. Reiki can also be done “long-distance,” as a form of prayer. Reiki in simplified terms is divine intentions/prayers coupled with focused energy centered around a certain area that needs healing and or realignment.
When I saw the Reiki Practitioner she explained what was happening within my emotional body, my energetic body and how my inner light was starting to reignite. She had confirmed that my life was veering off track, and that I needed to heal in order to realign with my path. She also mentioned that these certain energetic sensations would only heighten, as it was God’s way of nudging me to fully awaken to my true organic soul blueprint. She encouraged me to go within and start daily meditations.
It was through my meditation’s that I started to awaken and get attuned with my energetic body and vibrations. Becoming aware of my energy and how to go within directly to God was vital in order for me to heal and come back into divine alignment. Once I did, every single thing in my life started to flourish and my dreams started to come to fruition. Definitely not overnight, but pretty quickly. Those bricks that were once crumbling, I was starting to rebuild in a much more aligned way. The more I heal and work directly with my energetic field, the more my life flourishes.
Before we dive deeper into the 13 Energies of Motherhood series, I wanted to briefly explain what energy is. There are countless resources available for those who want to learn more in depth, but it’s important that you understand the basics.
We’ll call this energy 101: Human beings are composed of energy and energy fields, which interconnect us to all things. From the grass we walk on to the air we breathe, from the water we drink to the people we see. We are connected infinitely.
Energy is information that moves. Everything about us, from our unspoken thoughts, desires, to the tiniest micro cells within us, communicates on a highly intelligent scale. It is a vibration that “talks”, delivering the divine message that is needed for our well-being.
There are two kinds of energy: sensory energy, which is physical energy, and subtle energy, which involves thoughts, feelings, intuition and other energetic information.
The easiest way to break it down is Energy is divine information that carries a message and navigates our reality.
Now that you’ve learned a little bit more about energy, you might be connecting the dots as to how our energy is a direct reflection of our reality, or better yet our reality is a direct reflection of our energy.
As I share these upcoming energetic transmissions of motherhood with you soon—they are genuinely intended to heal, empower, inspire and awaken the divine feminine within you energetically. Which will then be reflected back into your reality and throughout your journey through motherhood.
When the 13 energies of motherhood came to me, it was a gift from God.
When we don’t understand how energy works, how to integrate it and utilize the energy that surrounds us constantly for our highest good--we miss the opportunity to grow and expand. Whether that be through trials or tribulations, they all serve a higher purpose.
Expansion is our soul/spirits way of evolution. To progress forward, continuously in divine alignment with God’s greater plan.
Every day, in every now moment, we have the opportunity to create our reality through the energy that we receive and reflect.
I’ll use myself as an example…
As the year 2020 had begun, I had so many plans for the business. This was the year that my kids were a little older, independent and I felt like I could focus on the business more without sacrificing their needs. I was starting to build a team that I felt I was finally able to have the support I needed to build out LMD to what I had always envisioned. Creating a shipping and customer service team would mean we could ensure we exceed our customer’s needs. Creating systems that would streamline many different facets of the business that would help us to grow. By building a team it would allow me to design more, expand our products and continue to build out LMD. As well as I would have much more time to do all the things that the business (a child in itself) requires of me.
So I started to build a team and then Covid-19 happened and it sure did throw us some curveballs…
How do you build a team during a global pandemic with 4 immune compromised family members in your home? The same home you run a business out of that you are needing to build a team because you can no longer do it all on your own.
To add to the already chaotic year, we were faced with LOCKDOWN for everyone. Which meant my employees couldn’t work at the warehouse, and my manufacturers and vendors had to shut their doors.
At the exact same time of me trying to solve those problems, I was faced with another big one—homeschool. I became a homeschool teacher to 2 small children, that had distance learning at the exact same time (the amount of times I have to literally run back and forth between rooms is crazy lol), while simultaneously having to help my elder sons navigate their Freshman and Senior year online.
Whatever little free time I thought I had before to work went right out the door when Covid came knocking.
To say 2020 was challenging as a single mother with little assistance (thank God my mom cooks for us or else my kids would be raised off mac n cheese lol), while juggling a growing business, with a small team simultaneously through a pandemic is an understatement. Holy 2020 Moly.
So what got me through this? Energy.
Where our focus goes, our energy flows.
Not only did I survive, I THRIVED. 2020 was the best year of my entire life. Both in my personal life and business life.
You’re probably thinking HOW? It doesn’t even sound possible.
Remember, everything internal and external holds an energetic vibration. You don’t have to “see” WIFI physically to be able to use it. It is a subtle energy/frequency that exchanges information infinitely. However, when it isn’t working properly, you become aware that there needs a physical adjustment /attunement so you can continue to use it for your benefit.
If you look at some of my personal “trials” individually, you can break them down into energy.
Pandemic – Health/Well-being
I had the choice to get anxious and become fearful about the pandemic which would only lower my immune system as my body and nervous system would feel the sensory & subtle energy. Instead of focusing on what could happen, I used this as an opportunity to channel my energy towards boosting myself and my family’s immune system by taking vitamins, eating healthy and moving our body. In addition I meditated daily which helped me release a lot of fear and anxiety that allowed me to come back into divine alignment and unwavering faith.
Business – Logistics/Solutions/Expansion
I had the choice to accept the circumstances of my employees not being able to work at the warehouse, not be able to hire more employees out of fear of Covid exposure and not be able to manufacturer or I had the opportunity to pivot. I had to shift my energy from limitations to focusing on the resolutions within those limitations.
When I realized that the girls weren’t going to be able to come in and work, I came up with work that could be performed at home. From customer service, bow making, social media, to marketing on Pinterest. We took this time to work on the areas that we could maximize on productivity during the shutdown from the pandemic. I took on shipping until they were able to return. Upon their return we implemented safety protocols to ensure minimal transfer of germs. Such as not allowing outside shoes in the warehouse and only crocs that were bought for the girls, moving the desks, sanitizing constantly and wearing masks when they entered my home to use the bathroom. After implementing these safety protocols, and our great need for another team member, we were lucky enough to hire Audrey who is has been such a blessing to LMD!
Looking back God was truly guiding me intuitively every step of the way. That inner intuition you hear & feel was created to help us navigate. Funny enough just months before Covid happened, my cutter was telling me how I had too many rolls of fabric taking up space and how I don’t want to get stuck with older colors and prints. Well in true fashion that was the BIGGEST blessing in disguise. When the shutdown took place and my textile vendors closed their doors, I didn’t have to worry about buying fabric because I had intuitively overpurchased just months before. With the overwhelming demand for face masks and our sewing manufacturers closed down, I had the capability to resolve two problems with LMD. My manufacterers were able to open as they were now considered “essential” as we were able to manufacture face masks in a time of great need and we created a new style that truly helped us expand exponentially. People from around the world were on the hunt for face masks as it was now part of our reality and discovered LMD.
Family – Love/Sacrifice
I was already pressed for time but when school closed, I had to make distance learning and teaching my kids a priority. I had the choice to resist the change, stress myself out or pivot once again. This too served as a beautiful blessing in disguise. We have never been able to see hands on what type of education our children were receiving, until now. Which allowed me to see many areas where I felt I could supplement some more learning techniques to help Olivia in her areas of need. With her special circumstances, and extreme prematurity, I took this opportunity to help strengthen her education within her learning capabilities. After some time it became a part of our routine where she was excited to learn and felt more confident in herself and learning independently. From her handwriting to her reading, both myself and her teacher saw great improvements quite quickly. I too was learning what it meant to find balance between motherhood and work, becoming more organized and efficient with my time and schedule without feeling overwhelmed and stressed.
2020 was the year I was given many choices within its chaotic yet transformative energy.
I had the choice to doubt myself and everything that I had built out of fear of the unknown or take great leaps of faith and grow and expand. With each choice/energy that was thrown my way, I utilized each energy to build, create and experience a reality that was aligned for me. Time became even more valuable, which helped be reassess situations, people, places and things that were consuming my energy. I released many things that no longer served me or my highest good, so that I could continue to create and build the life that is in divine alignment that is destined for me…
In part 3, I'll share how It all connects to LMD and why sharing the 13 energies of motherhood with you all is so important to me!
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